
Mallard Ducklings, Starlings, Squirrels, Puppies, Kittens

A Starling named Howdy Doody. I have him for 3 weeks now. He's quite a character lol:

The 2 (out of 16) surviving Mallard Ducklings, now 1 week old and doing great:

Other news:

The Chihuahua Beagle mix puppies had to be euthanized due to severe mange mites infection. I had accidently thought that those were ant bites, but when they didn't get better I had the pups checked out and the diagnosis was not good.

Since we don't have the funds to cover the treatment, the puppies were humanely euthanized.

It was not an easy week at the Rainbow Wildlife Rescue, but life goes on and we need to concentrate on the babies that are making it!

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