Declawing is something that should only be considered in cases of EXTREME behavioral problems. Cats use their claws to exercise, play, stretch, climb, hunt and mark their territory. Although your cat might use your hands or furniture for these activities, declawing is NOT the answer and there are many other ways to guide your cat to healthy claw activity.
The declawing operation itself is the human equivalent of removing the first joint of all your fingers. Many vets feel that the lack of these joints impairs the cat's balance and can cause weakness from muscular disease. Declawing also makes a cat feel defenseless and can affect their personality, making them skittish or nervous biters. In rescue work, we see many declawed cats that have been given up by their owners. Why? Because these cats still had behavioral problems that were worsened by not having their claws. So, if you are adamant about declawing your new cat, why not consider adopting a cat which has already been declawed?
Take it from an expert. Dr. Nicholas Dodman, author of The Cat Who Cried For Help, offers this perspective on the procedure:"Declawing involves more than simply trimming a cat's nails to the quick; it actually involves amputation of the tips of the digits, bones and all. The inhumanity of the procedure is clearly demonstrated by the nature of cats' recovery from anesthesia following the surgery. Unlike routine recoveries, including recovery from neutering surgeries, which are fairly peaceful, declawing surgery results in cats bouncing off the walls of the recovery cage because of excruciating pain. Cats that are more stoic huddle in the corner of the recovery cage, immobilized in a state of helplessness, presumably by the overwhelming pain. Declawing fits the dictionary definition of mutilation to a tee. Words such as deform, disfigure, disjoint, and dismember all apply to this surgery. Partial digital amputation is so horrible that it has been employed for torture of prisoners of war, and in veterinary medicine, the clinical procedure servesas a model of severe pain for testing the efficacy of analgesic drugs. Even though analgesic drugs can be used postoperatively, they rarely are, and their effects are incomplete and transient anyway, so sooner or later the pain will emerge.
‘The operative removal of the claws, as is sometimes practiced to protect furniture and curtains, is an act of abuse and should be forbidden by law in all, not just a few countries.’(highly regarded British textbook by Turner and Bateson on the biology of cat behavior) However quickly cats forget the hideous experience of declawing, and even though they may not hold grudges, that doesn't seem sufficient justification for putting a family pet through such a repugnant experience.""
There are alternatives to declawing. Exercise and play with your cat regularly. Give him a scratching post and teach him to use it. Trim your cat's nails on a regular basis. And, of course, talk to your vet or cat-owner friends about ways to "train" your cat to exercise its natural instincts in non-destructive ways. A squirt bottle is a great way to teach a cat not to scratch on particular surfaces. It doesn't hurt them and if you are persistent, they will get the message. There is also a product called Soft Paws. This is a fake nail which is not sharp at the tip, which fits over your cats claws. It is sold in pet stores and veterinarian clinics. And if you are adamant about having a kitty without claws, why not adopt a previously declawed kitty?
Declawing and Alternatives
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How to Tame a Feral Cat or Kitten
How to Tame a Feral Cat or Kitten
With a little patience and time, a feral (or wild) cat can be tamed into a loving pet. Younger cats are more apt to adjust quickly: 6-to-8-week-old kittens typically take two to three weeks to adjust to a domestic environment.
* STEP 1: Enclose the cat or kitten in a small space at first - a bathroom or bed-room works best.
* STEP 2: Turn out the light if the cat is terrified; this often has a calming effect.
* STEP 3: Put a bed, a litter box, food and water in the room. If the cat is very young (6 to 12 weeks), put her in a large carrier with a grated door and small windows.
* STEP 4: Spend at least 2 to 3 hours a day with the animal. Just sitting quietly in the same room will allow the cat to learn that you are not a threat.
* STEP 5: Gently compel the cat to let you touch her. Carefully wrap a blanket around her if you have to, hold her on your lap and pet her. Stroke her coat and touch her ears, face and neck as you talk to her in soothing tones. Even if the animal doesn't seem to be enjoying the attention, she is. Hold the cat by the scruff of the neck if she attempts to leave. (The mother cat will do this to carry or train a kitten'it doesn't hurt, and it actually relaxes the animal.)
* STEP 6: Present special treats such as chicken or tuna, and leave them if the cat will not eat from your hand.
* STEP 7: Gradually allow the cat to roam about in more rooms.
* STEP 8: If the cat tries to run away from you repeatedly, enclose her in a smaller space and start again.
Tips & Warnings
* Don't get discouraged early on; young feral cats can become very affectionate pets. Younger cats are more apt to adjust quickly: 6- to 8-week-old kittens typically take two to three weeks to adjust to a domestic environment. An older cat that has been wild for a long time is difficult and sometimes impossible to tame, and may be better left outside. If you catch one, have the animal spayed or neutered and vaccinated, and then turn the cat loose where caught, or contact a professional.
* Handle feral cats with extreme caution. Use gloves and protective clothing as required. Cat bites and scratches can result in serious health problems.
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Body Language of a Cat
Cats twitch the tips of their tails when hunting or angry, while larger twitching indicates displeasure. A tail held high is usually a sign of happiness. A half-raised shows less pleasure, and unhappiness is indicated with a tail held low. A scared or surprised cat may puff up its tail and the hair along its back and turn its body sideways to a threat in order to increase its apparent size. Cats with no tail, such as the Manx, who possess only a small stub of a tail move the stub around as though they possessed a full tail, though it is not nearly as communicative as that of a fully tailed cat. Touching noses is a friendly greeting for cats, while a lowered head is a sign of submission.
Happy cats are known to paw their owners, or that on which they sit, with a kneading motion. Cats often use this action alongside purring to show contentment and affection for their owners. It is instinctive to cats, and cats use it when they are young to stimulate the mother cat's nipple to release milk during nursing. As a result, cats that are hand-raised by humans may lack this reflex. Also, pawing is a way for cats to mark their territory. The scent glands on the underside of their paws release small amounts of scent onto the person or object being pawed, marking it as "theirs" in the same way they would urinate to mark their territory.
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Amazing facts about cats!
Amazing facts about cats!
Did you know...
Ailurophilia is the "love of cats." | |
The nose pad of a cat is ridged in a pattern that is unique, just like the fingerprint of a human. | |
There are more than 500 million domestic cats in the world, with 33 different breeds. | |
The American cat population reached nearly 68 million in 1996. American Demographics magazine estimates that's about 200 million kitty yawns per hour and a whopping 425 million catnaps each day! | |
A cat's heart beats twice as fast as a human heart, at 110 to 140 beats per minute. | |
25% of cat owners blow dry their cats hair after a bath. |
The largest cat breed is the Ragdoll. Males weigh twelve to twenty pounds, with females weighing ten to fifteen pounds. The smallest cat breed is the Singapura. Males weigh about six pounds while females weigh about four pounds. | |
Calico cats are almost always female. | |
If your cat is near you, and her tail is quivering, this is the greatest expression of love your cat can give you. If her tail starts thrashing, her mood has changed --- Time to distance yourself from her. | |
Cats wag their tails when it is in a stage of conflict. The cat wants to do two things at once, but each impulse blocks the other. For example: If your cat is in the doorway wanting to go outside, and you open the door to find it raining, the cat's tail will wag because of internal conflict. The cat wants to go outside, but doesn't want to go into the rain. Once the cat makes a decision and either returns to the house or leaves into the rain, the tail will immediately stop wagging. | |
Don't pick a kitten or a cat up by the scruff of its neck; only mother cats can do this safely, and only with their kittens. |
Cats knead with their paws when they're happy. |
Your cat loves you and can "read" your moods. If you're sad or under stress, you may also notice a difference in your cat's behavior. | |
The domestic cat is the only cat species able to hold its tail vertically while walking. All wild cats hold their tails horizontally or tucked between their legs while walking. |
An average cat has 1-8 kittens per litter, and 2-3 litters per year. |
During her productive life, one female cat could have more than 100 kittens. |
In 1952, a Texas Tabby named Dusty set the record by having more than 420 kittens before having her last litter at age 18. |
The largest known litter (with all surviving) was that of a Persian in South Africa named Bluebell. Bluebell gave birth to 14 kittens in one litter! |
A single pair of cats and their kittens can produce as many as 420,000 kittens in just 7 years. |
More than 35,000 kittens are born in the U.S. each year. Spay or neuter your cat. |
Cats have 290 bones in their bodies, and 517 muscles. |
A cat has five more vertebrae in her spinal column than her human does. |
There are three body types for a cat. Cobby type is a compact body, deep chest, short legs and broad head. The eyes are large and round. Muscular type is a sturdy body and round, full-cheeked head. Foreign type is a slender body, with long legs and a long tail. The head is wedge-shaped, with tall ears and slanting eyes. | |
Sir Isaac Newton, discoverer of the principles of gravity, also invented the cat door. | |
A cat will amost never "meow" at another cat. This sound is reserved for humans. |
Know how old your cat really is. If your cat is 3, your cat is 21 in human years. If your cat is 8, your cat is 40 in human years. If your cat is 14, your cat is 70 in human years. |
The average age for an indoor cat is 15 years, while the average age for an outdoor cat is only 3 to 5 years. |
The oldest cat on record was Puss, from England, who died in 1939 just one day after her 36th birthday. (We wish we could have them all that long!) | |
The weirdest cat on record was a female called Mincho who went up a tree in Argentina and didn't come down again until she died six years later. While treed, she managed to have three litters with equally ambitious dads. |
A cat's normal body temperature is 101.5 degrees. This is slightly warmer than a humans. |
People who own pets live longer, have less stress, and have fewer heart attacks. |
Cats love to chew on grass, catnip, parsley or sage. Become a green thumb and plant an indoor garden for your cat! But be careful -- many plants are toxic to your cat! |
There are two species of wild cats in African and Europe that still hunt. These two species both resemble the domestic tabbies. |
The behaviors shown by most house cats have a parallel in the wild. |
A cat will kill it's prey based on movement, but may not necessarily recognize that prey as food. Realizing that prey is food is a learned behavior. |
The greatest number of mice killed by one cat? 28,899! Towser, a tortoise-shell tabby in charge of rodent control in Scotland, killed 28,899 mice in her 21 years. This is about four mice per day, every day, for 21 years. Towser died in 1987. | |
The first cat show was held in 1895 at Madison Square Garden in New York City, New York. |
A falling cat will always right itself in a precise order. First the head will rotate, then the spine will twist and the rear legs will align, then the cat will arch its back to lessen the impact of the landing. |
"Sociable" cats will follow you from room to room to monitor your activities throughout the day. |
What kind of "mood" is kitty in? Her eyes, whiskers and ears will tell you. Learn to read the signs she gives you. |
The most popular names for female cats in the U.S. are Missy, Misty, Muffin, Patches, Fluffy, Tabitha, Tigger, Pumpkin and Samantha. |
Give your cat a quality scratching post to deter her from scratching your furniture. Still scratching? Try putting lemon scent or orange scent on the area. Cats hate these smells. |
Try hanging an orange or lemon scented air freshener in the inner branches of your Christmas tree, if your cat is a seasonal "climber." |
In English, cat is "cat." In French, cat is "Chat." In German, your cat is "katze." The Spanish word for cat is "gato," and the Italian word is "gatto." Japanese prefer "neko" and Arabic countries call a cat a "kitte." |
Cats get their sense of security from your voice. Talk to your cats! And be mindful of your tone of voice. Cats know when you're yelling at them (though they may not care). |
The more cats are spoken to, the more they will speak to you. |
The richest cat in the Guinness Book of World Records is a pair of cats who inherited $415,000 in the early '60s. The richest single cat is a white alley cat who inherited $250,000. (Now that will buy a lot of catnip!) |
The Giraffe, Camel and Cat are the only animals that walk by moving both their left feet, then both their right feet, when walking. This method of walking ensures speed, agility and silence. |
It is believed that a white cat sitting on your doorstep just before your wedding is a sign of lasting happiness. White cats are a symbol of good luck in America, while black cats are a sign of bad luck. |
Cats can see in color! |
Cats are partially color blind. They have the equivalency of human red/green color blindness. (Reds appear green and greens appear red; or shades thereof.) |
Cats don't see "detail" very well. To them, their person may appear hazy when standing in front of them. |
Cats need 1/6th the amount of light that humans do to see. Their night vision is amazing! |
Cats can see up to 120 feet away. Their peripheral vision is about 285 degrees. |
Cats eyes come in three shapes: round, slanted and almond. | |
The color of a kitten's eyes will change as it grows older. |
At birth, kittens can't see or hear. Cats open their eyes after five days and begin to develop their eyesight and hearing at approximately 2 weeks. They begin to walk at 20 days. |
Kittens begin dreaming at just over one week old. |
A cat's ear pivots 180 degrees. They have 30 muscles in each ear, and use twelve or more muscles to control their ear movement. |
A group of kittens is called a "kindle." |
A group of grown cats is called a "clowder." |
Cats rub up against other cats, and people, in an attempt to "mark" them with their scent glands. They most often use the scent glands between their eye and ear (near the temple area) or their scent glands near the base of their tail. |
Have you ever tried to feed your cat food that was just taken out of the refrigerator? Most cats prefer their food at room temperature, and will boldly REFUSE any food that is too cold or too hot. |
Many experts report that cats will purr when feeling any intense emotion (pleasure or pain). |
Give your cat fresh water at least once a day. If your cat refuses your tap water, it may be sensing (with it's superior sense of smell) the chlorine or other minerals in your water. Many finicky felines demand bottled water, just like their human counterparts. |
Don't put your cat on an all-vegetarian diet. Cats need protein to survive. | |
Never feed your cat dog food. Cats need five times more protein than dogs do. |
If your cat misses one meal, a trip to the vet may be necessary. |
Cats are the sleepiest of all mammals. They spend 16 hours of each day sleeping. With that in mind, a seven year old cat has only been awake for two years of its life! |
Cats are more active during the evening hours. | |
Cats spend 30% of their waking hours grooming themselves. | |
95% of all cat owners admit they talk to their cats. |
Backward-pointing spikes on a cat's tongue aid in their grooming. |
The average cat weighs 12 pounds. | |
If you can't feel your cat's ribs, she's too heavy. | |
If an overweight cat's "sides" stick out further than her whiskers, she will lose her sense of perception and stability. Don't be surprised if she starts to squeeze into an opening that the rest of her can't fit into, only to back herself back out quickly! |
According to the Guiness Book of World Records, the heaviest cat on record was Himmy, an Australian cat, who weighed 46 pounds, 15.25 ounces in 1986. Himmy's waist was 33 inches! The previous record-holder had been Spice, a ginger-and-white tom cat from Connecticut, who weighed 43 pounds when he died in 1977. | |
The tiniest cat on record was Tinker Toy from Illinois. A male Himalayan-Persian, he weighed 1 pound, 8 ounces fully grown and was 7.25" long and 2.75" tall! | |
Your cat is probably either a "righty" or a "lefty." Only 40% of cats are ambidextrous while another 40% are either right-pawed or left-pawed. |
Cats love high places. They share this love with leopards and jaguars, who sleep in trees. If a cat begins to fall, his inner ear canal (which controls balance) will help him right himself and land on his feet. |
Domestic cats are essentially loners. When placed in a group, they develop their own hierarchy. As long as there is plenty of food on hand, a cat can learn to share it's domain with other cats. |
Cats are more aggressive when they are not neutered or spayed. |
21% of U.S. households have at least one cat. |
The number of pet-owning households is expected to grow nearly 12% between 1993 and 2000, and another 5% between 2000 and 2010. |
34% of cat-owning households have incomes of $60,000 or more. |
32% of those who own their own home, also own at least one cat. |
"Pair bonds" can develop between two cats who live together, or between a cat and a person. |
A cat that bites you after you have rubbed his stomach, is probably biting out of pleasure, not anger. | |
An adult cat has 32 teeth. |
Never leave your cat in a vehicle alone. On summer days, temperatures in an automobile can reach 160 degrees in just minutes, even with the windows cracked. |
"PSI trailings" attempt to explain a cat's ability to travel a long distance to return to their home. It is said they use the earth's gravity to determine "their place" in the world, and to develop the ability to return there when necessary. |
According to myth, a cat sleeping with all four paws tucked under means cold weather is coming. |
Each year Americans spend four billion dollars on cat food. That's one billion dollars more than they spend on baby food! |
Expect to spend an average of $80 per year on vet bills, for the lifetime of each cat you own. |
It costs $7000 to care for one household cat over its lifetime. This covers only the necessities; the pampered pet will carry a higher price. | |
In an average year, American cat owners spend $2.15 billion on cat food and $295 million on kitty litter. |
There have been three different cats who have played the famed "Morris the Cat." The first Morris was adopted from a shelter in 1968. In 1969 he landed the role of Morris the Cat in the famous 9 Lives Cat Food commercials...and was an overnight success! The first Morris died in 1978 and was subsequently replaced by two more cats who played "Morris." All three of the "Morris the Cat" cats were rescued from shelters. |
Choose your cat toys carefully. Choose light toys (for tossing), soft toys (for teeth and claws) and toys large enough that they can't be swallowed. |
A flashlight makes a great cat toy! Turn the flashlight on in a dark room, and watch your feline "chase" the beam of light! |
Cats love to hide! If yours comes up "missing," be sure to check in the bathtub, in your closet, in the dresser drawers, under a blanket or rug...or anywhere else you can possibly think of! |
A collar and tag can help your cat find his way home should he ever be lost. Better yet -- outfit your cat with an electronic identification chip. |
To make sure your cat's collar fits properly, make sure you can slip two fingers under the collar, between the collar and your cat's neck. | |
The easiest way to pick up cat hair? Spray an anti-static spray on the area you want to clean. Wait one minute, then wipe up the hair with a six inch brush. |
Egyptians shaved their eyebrows as a sign of mourning when they lost a beloved cat. |
Hebrew folklore believes that cats came about because Noah was afraid that rats might eat all the food on the ark. He prayed to God for help. God responded by making the lion sneeze a giant sneeze -- and out came a little cat! |
Stings to the mouth can be very dangerous to cats. If your cat is stung, or ever experiences any type of sting to the mouth, take her to the vet immediately. As her mouth swells from the sting, she may be unable to breath. Stings require urgent medical care. |
Redecorating your home? Let your cat explore after the decorating is done. Paints, wallpaper pastes and paint thinners can be toxic to cats. Play it safe! |
Pet-proof your house by looking for items that may be dangerous to them. These include cleaners, antifreeze, automobile coolant, and rat poison. |
The fumes from moth balls destroy a cat's liver cells. Use cedar in your closet instead. |
Know which plants are poisonous to your cats, and which ones are safe. |
There are many items in your household with are poisonous to cats! Be careful with the following items:
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Why and how Cats purr
Cats can produce a purring noise that typically indicates that the cat is happy. Less typically it can also can mean that it feels distress. Cats purr among other cats—for example, when a mother meets her kittens.
There were many competing theories to explain how cats purr, including vibration of the cat's false vocal cords when inhaling and exhaling, the sound of blood hitting the aorta, vibration of the hyoid apparatus, or resonation directly in the lungs. But currently, it is believed that purring is a result of rhythmic impulses to the cat's larynx.
Purring may also be a way for the cat to calm itself down. For example, some cats have been known to purr when hurt. Though not proven, research has suggested that the frequency of the vibration produced by purring may promote healing of bones and organs in cats, explaining why cats may purr when hurt.
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General Cat Care
What you’ll need to know to keep your companion feline happy and healthy.
Cats were domesticated sometime between 4,000 and 8,000 years ago, in Africa and the Middle East. Small wild cats started hanging out where humans stored their grain. When humans saw cats up close and personal, they began to admire felines for their beauty and grace.
There are many different breeds of cats--from the hairless Sphynx and the fluffy Persian to the silvery spotted Egyptian mau. But the most popular felines of all are non-pedigree—that includes brown tabbies, black-and-orange tortoiseshells, all-black cats with long hair, striped cats with white socks and everything in between.
When you first get your cat, you’ll need to spend about $25 for a litter box, $10 for a collar, and $30 for a carrier. Food runs about $170 a year, plus $50 annually for toys and treats, $175 annually for litter and an average of $150 for veterinary care every year. The best place to get a cat? Your local shelter! Please visit our shelter directory to find shelters and rescue groups in your area.
Note: Make sure you have all your supplies (see our checklist) before you bring your new pet home.
Basic Care
- An adult cat should be fed one large or two or three smaller meals each day.
- Kittens from 6 to 12 weeks must eat four times a day.
- Kittens from three to six months need to be fed three times a day.
You can either feed specific meals, throwing away any leftover canned food after 30 minutes, or keep dry food available at all times. We recommend a high-quality, brand-name kitten or cat food; avoid generic brands. You will need to provide fresh, clean water at all times, and wash and refill water bowls daily.
Although cat owners of old were told to give their pets a saucer of milk, cats do not easily digest cow’s milk, which can cause diarrhea in kittens and cats. Treats are yummy for cats, but don't go overboard. Most packaged treats contain lots of sugar and fat, which can pack on the pounds. Some cats like fresh fruits and vegetables, like broccoli, corn or cantaloupe. You can offer these once in awhile.
If your kitten is refusing food or isn’t eating enough, try soaking her kitten food in warm water. If that doesn’t work, kittens can be fed human baby food for a short time. Use turkey or chicken baby food made for children six months and older. Gradually mix with her regular food.
Most cats stay relatively clean and rarely need a bath, but you should brush or comb your cat regularly. Frequent brushing helps keep your cat's coat clean, reduces the amount of shedding and cuts down on the incidence of hairballs.
To pick up your cat, place one hand behind the front legs and another under the hindquarters. Lift gently. Never pick up a cat by the scruff of the neck or by the front legs.
Your pet should have her own clean, dry place in your home to sleep and rest. Line your cat's bed with a soft, warm blanket or towel. Be sure to wash the bedding often. Please keep your cat indoors. Cats who are allowed outdoors can contract diseases, get ticks or parasites, become lost or get hit by a car, or get into fights with other free-roaming cats and dogs. Also, cats may prey on native wildlife.
If allowed outdoors (again, we caution against it!), your cat must wear a safety collar and an ID tag. A safety collar with an elastic panel will allow your cat to break loose if the collar gets caught on something. And if your pet is indoors-only, an ID tag or an implanted microchip can help insure that your cat is returned if he or she becomes lost.
Litter Box
All indoor cats need a litter box, which should be placed in a quiet, accessible location. A bathroom or utility room is a good place for your cat's box. In a multi-level home, one box per floor is recommended. Avoid moving the box unless absolutely necessary. Then do so slowly, a few inches a day.
Keep in mind that cats won't use a messy, smelly litter box, so scoop solid wastes out of the box at least once a day. Dump everything, wash with a mild detergent and refill at least once a week; you can do this less frequently if using clumping litter. Don't use ammonia, deodorants or scents, especially lemon, when cleaning the litter box.
Behavior Information
Cats delight in stalking imaginary prey. The best toys are those that can be made to jump and dance around and look alive. Your cat can safely act out her role as a predator by pouncing on toys instead of people's ankles. Please don't use your hands or fingers as play objects with kittens. This type of rough play may cause biting and scratching behaviors to develop as your kitten matures.
Cats need to scratch! When a cat scratches, the old outer nail sheath is pulled off and the sharp, smooth claws underneath are exposed. Cutting your cat’s nails every two to three weeks will keep them relatively blunt and less likely to harm the arms of both humans and furniture.
Provide your cat with a sturdy scratching post, at least three feet high, which will allow her to stretch completely when scratching. The post should also be stable enough that it won't wobble during use, and should be covered with rough material such as sisal, burlap or tree bark. Many cats also like scratching pads. A sprinkle of catnip once or twice a month will keep your cat interested in her post or pad.
Your cat should see the veterinarian at least once a year for an examination and annual shots, and immediately if she is sick or injured.
Ear Mites
These tiny parasites are a common problem that can be transmitted from cat to cat. If your cat is constantly scratching at his ears or shaking his head, he may be infested with ear mites. You will need to call your vet, as your cat's ears will need to be thoroughly cleaned before medication is dispensed.
Feline Urological Syndrome (FUS)
Both males and females can develop this lower urinary inflammation, also called Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD). Signs of FUS include frequent trips to the litter box, blood in the urine and crying out or straining when urinating. If your male cat looks "constipated," he may have a urethral obstruction and can’t urinate. This can be fatal if not treated quickly. Urethral blockages are rare in females. About five percent of cats are affected with FUS. Special diets may help prevent this condition.
Fleas and Ticks
Flea infestation should be taken seriously. These tiny parasites feed off of your pet, transmit tapeworms and irritate the skin. Carefully check your cat once a week for fleas and ticks. If there are fleas on your cat, there will be fleas in your house. You may need to use flea bombs or premise-control sprays, and be sure to treat all animals in your house. Take care that any sprays, powders or shampoos you use are safe for cats, and that all products are compatible when used together. Cats die every year from improper treatment with flea and tick control products. Please contact your veterinarian for the most effective flea control program for your pet.
Medicines and Poisons
Never give your cat medication that has not been prescribed by a veterinarian. For example, did you know that acetominophin and aspirin can be FATAL to a cat?! Keep rat poison or other rodenticides away from your cat. If you suspect that your animal has ingested a poisonous substance, call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center for 24-hour animal poison information at (888) 426- 4435.
Spaying and Neutering
Female cats should be spayed and male cats neutered by six months of age. Neutering a male (removing the testicles) can prevent urine spraying, decrease the urge to escape outside and look for a mate, and reduce fighting between males. Spaying a female (removing the ovaries and uterus) helps prevent breast cancer, which is usually fatal, and pyometra (uterus infection), a very serious problem in older females that must be treated with surgery and intensive medical care. Since cats can breed up to three times per year, it is vital that your female feline be spayed to prevent her from having unwanted litters.
* Kittens should be vaccinated with a combination vaccine (called a “3 in 1”) at 2, 3 and 4 months of age, and then annually. This vaccine protects cats from panleukopenia (also called feline distemper), calicivirus and rhinotracheitis. If you have an unvaccinated cat older than four months of age, he will need a series of two vaccinations given 2 to 3 weeks apart, followed by yearly vaccinations.
* There is a vaccine available for feline leukemia virus (FeLV). This is one of the two immune system viruses (retroviruses) that infect cats. The other is feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). There is no vaccine available for FIV. Cats can be infected with either virus for months, even years, without any indication that they are carrying a fatal virus. All cats should be tested for these viruses.
FeLV and FIV can be transmitted at birth from the mother or through the bite of an infected cat. Neither virus can infect humans. Many outdoor and stray cats and kittens carry this infection. Because of the fatal nature of these diseases, you should not expose cats already living in your home by taking in untested cats or kittens. To be safe, keep your cat indoors—but if your cat does go outside, he should be vaccinated against the feline leukemia virus. Remember, no vaccine is 100-percent effective.
Please note, if your companion cat gets sick because he is not properly vaccinated, the vaccinations should be given after your pet has recovered.
Kittens and cats can be infected with several types of worms. The key to treatment is correct diagnosis. This will ensure that the medication is effective against the parasite your pet has. A dewormer that eliminates roundworms, for example, will not kill tapeworms. Your veterinarian can best determine the culprit—and prescribe the appropriate medication.
Cat Supply Checklist
- Premium-brand cat food
- Food dish
- Water bowl
- Interactive toys
- Brush
- Comb
- Safety cat collar with ID tag
- Scratching post or scratching pad
- Litter box
- Litter
- Cat carrier
- Cat bed or box with warm blanket or towel
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The ASPCA Speaks Out Against Bonsai Kitten Website
The ASPCA Speaks Out Against Bonsai Kitten Website
Encourages shutdown of offensive Web site.
(NEW YORK) UPDATED January 17, 2005 -- The Bonsai Kitten Web site has generated a lot of feedback from concerned individuals in the animal welfare community. The ASPCA shares your anger and concern about Bonsai Kitten. While the Internet has made a positive contribution to our society, it has also resulted in the rapid expansion of publicity for individuals who promote animal abuse. The ASPCA as well as other major humane organizations across the U.S. have attempted to discourage the promoters of this Web site from their activity.
Our Humane Law Enforcement Department, as well as other law enforcement agencies, is aware of the Bonsai Kitten site and has determined that it is a hoax site operated by an MIT student in Massachusetts, (not in New York, as had been stated on the Web site). Moreover, thanks to the active participation of Web-users such as yourselves, the Web site has been forced to shut down and move a number of times before finding its present host.
In the United States, individuals have the constitutional right to freedom of speech; therefore, they may discuss and advocate for animal abuse on the Internet and in other public forums as long as they don't practice what they preach. As such, the matter becomes the responsibility of the particular Internet service providers ("ISPs"). Unfortunately, Bonsai Kitten's new service provider,, refuses to remove the site on freedom of speech grounds. Since contacting the Web site directly has only increased the creators' resolve to maintain the site, and the new host is unwilling to remove it, we recommend that concerned citizens NOT contact the person running this site or any other Bonsai Kitten related sites. These are obviously individuals who are just looking for attention. The best thing that we can do is ignore the Web site creators and complain to the host Web site's advertisers.
We appreciate your effort in contacting us, and would like to give you some general information on how to fight against this and any other similar sites that you may encounter. Unfortunately, new ones appear every day.
A 1999 federal law bans the knowing creation, sale or possession of depictions of animal cruelty, with the intention of placing the depiction into interstate or foreign commerce for commercial gain. The new law covers any visual or auditory depiction of intentionally maiming, mutilating, torturing, wounding or killing a live animal. If the conduct in the depiction is illegal under federal law, or state law in the state where the creation, sale or possession takes place, then this new law will apply. The place where the actual animal cruelty took place is not significant under this statute. Anyone convicted of the interstate or foreign sale of these depictions of animal cruelty can be faced with a fine, or up to a five year prison sentence. An exception is made for depictions serious with religious, political, scientific, educational, journalistic, historical or artistic value.
If you have concrete information that an individual is engaged in the creation, sale or possession (with intent to sell) of these depictions of cruelty, and you know which city this person lives in, the most effective response is utilizing traditional measures. While the ASPCA is a national organization in many respects, our powers to enforce animal cruelty laws are limited by law to the State of New York; however, we are concerned with addressing acts of animal cruelty and neglect wherever they occur. In situations where acts of animal cruelty occur outside the State of New York, we would urge you to contact any or all of the following organizations and advise them of the situation:
1) your local society for the prevention of cruelty to animals (SPCA) and/or humane society (which may have the power to enforce animal cruelty laws in the area);
2) your local law enforcement officials;
3) your local city/county health department (because abuse of animals often involves unsafe or unsanitary conditions for humans);
4) your federal, state and local taxing authorities (because operations involving cruelty to animals often operate without filing or paying taxes);
5) The Internet Fraud Complaint Center at, a joint partnership between the FBI and The National White Collar Crime Center established to address fraud committed over the Internet;
6) local and national media organizations;
7), a group that is attempting to stop sites advocating cruelty to animals; 8) any ISP hosting a Web site advocating animal abuse. You can find the address of an ISP by connecting Network Solutions at and inputting the name of the Web site. (NOTE: Network Solutions merely registers domain names and is not responsible in any way for the content of the Web sites it registers); and9) the ISP that you regularly do business with, to encourage them to screen their own sites and not allow Web sites promoting animal cruelty.
Note: "Local", as used above, means based in the area from which the Web site originates.
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Labels: aspca, bonsai kitten, kitten baby, kitten rescue, kittenbaby,
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Top 10 Tips About What — and How — to Feed Your Puppy or Kitten
Newborn kittens and puppies receive complete nutrition from their mothers’ milk for the first four weeks of life. As they gradually begin to eat on their own, they will be fully weaned after a few more weeks. During the first weeks of life, body weight may double or triple, and this rapid growth will continue—although at a gradually decreasing rate—until maturity. Large amounts of energy and nutrients are required in balanced quantities to support this spectacular growth.
Here are our top ten tips for feeding puppies and kittens:
1. Kittens are best fed mom's milk; it's 100-percent perfect for their needs. However, if the mother is ill or doesn’t produce enough milk, or if the kittens are found as orphans, it is necessary to feed them a commercial milk replacer.
2. Generally, orphaned or hand-fed kittens can be offered moistened kitten food at about three weeks of age. Use a commercial milk replacer to moisten the food, and gradually reduce the amount of milk replacer you use, until the kittens are eating dry kitten food at about five or six weeks of age.
3. At first, curious kittens will probably want to play with their food rather than eat it, but the youngsters will soon catch on as they watch mom eat. By the time kittens are five to six weeks old, they should be nibbling on dry food consistently. This process of gradually introducing kitten food is important in training the cats to eat when they are weaned.
4. After weaning, kittens can be fed free-choice—dry or nutrient-dense kitten-formula canned food. Make sure fresh water is available at all times.
5. Most queens will suckle their kittens until about eight weeks of age. By this time, 80- to 90-percent of the kitten's total nutrient intake should be from kitten food. Kittens need large amounts of energy—about two to three times that of an adult cat. Kittens also need about 30 percent of their total energy from protein. Make sure the food you offer is specifically formulated for kittens; your pet will need to eat kitten-formula food until she reaches maturity, at about one year.
6. Canines generally begin eating puppy food at about three or four weeks, and are completely weaned by seven or eight weeks. They require up to twice the energy intake of adults and, depending on the breed, will need to have 25- to 30-percent protein.
7. As with kittens, puppies should have puppy food available prior to weaning. These meals should begin when the pups are three to four weeks old; start with small quantities. Puppies often play in their food when it is first introduced, but they will quickly learn what to do with it! By the time the pups are ready to wean at six to eight weeks old, they should be eating their dry food consistently.
8. Small breeds of dogs reach mature body weight in nine to twelve months, while giant breeds may not be mature until they reach their second birthday.
9. Just who are we calling SMALL? Small-breed dogs are 20 pounds or less. As pups, they can often be fed free-choice. When food is readily available, most small-breed dogs will develop good eating habits and not become overweight. If you have other pets, you should probably feed your small-breed dog by the portion control method.
10. Most medium-breed puppies (adult size between 20 and 50 pounds) and all large or giant breed pups (more than 50 pounds as adults) are best fed with the portion control method.
BONUS! Special Concerns about Feeding Large- and Giant-Breed Puppies
If puppies are allowed to overeat, they may consume too many calories and too much calcium, grow too rapidly and develop bone growth problems. In breeds that are prone to these diseases, such as many large and giant breeds, overfeeding can lead to an increased frequency of hypertrophic osteodystrophy (HOD), osteochondrosis (OCD) and hip dysplasia.
Clinical signs often seen with bone growth disease include bowing of the front legs. Sometimes, these signs are misdiagnosed as calcium deficiency (also known as rickets). Radiographs are crucial for an accurate diagnosis. Adding more calcium to the diets of dogs with HOD, OCD or hip dysplasia will actually worsen the condition—and may result in permanent damage.
It is important to aim for a slower rate of growth with large and giant breed puppies. Do not overfeed, or try to push the growth rate too fast. Controlled feeding of a balanced diet specifically made for large- and giant-breed puppies facilitates optimal skeletal development. Remember, the adult size of a dog is determined genetically—not by how fast the animal grows.
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